
  • 17 JUNHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 22º

New Treatment Shows Promise in Reversing Parkinson's Symptoms

At issue is the use of a method of high-intensity ultrasound, known as HIFU. Find out what is at issue.

New Treatment Shows Promise in Reversing Parkinson's Symptoms
Notícias ao Minuto

08:20 - 15/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Parkinson

A high-intensity ultrasound method, known as HIFU, has been used to treat patients with motor symptoms of Parkinson's and has shown promising results. The research was carried out by the Abarca Campal Neuroscience Center, at the HM Puerta del Sur University Hospital in Móstoles, Spain.

They concluded that it is possible to treat the motor symptoms of this disease using this type of treatment. The benefit was significant, while the adverse effects were mild and transient.

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Until now, this type of technique was used in only one of the cerebral hemispheres, and thus the benefits presented were only observed on one side of the body.

"Performing bilateral ablative treatment in Parkinson's disease by means of radiofrequency and stereotactic surgery has been classically associated with serious complications, which is why this therapeutic option was considered unavailable, with the therapeutic limitations that this entailed", José Obeso, one of those responsible for the study, tells the newspaper El Mundo.

"Although this is a preliminary study, these results show that the bilateral application of HIFU would be a feasible and effective treatment in well-selected patients. The improvements in some of the six patients treated are very significant. We need larger studies to corroborate these results, especially in terms of the safety of the procedure", reveals the doctor Raúl Martínez.

Read Also: Parkinson's. Antibody may slow symptoms, study says (Portuguese version)

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