
  • 17 JUNHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 22º

Hypercholesterolemia affects fertility in men and women. Did you know?

A specialist in gynecology and obstetrics explained everything.

Hypercholesterolemia affects fertility in men and women. Did you know?
Notícias ao Minuto

17:00 - 11/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Saúde

Generally, most people know that 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) has negative effects on health, increasing, for example, the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But did you know that hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) can affect fertility in men and women? 

More specifically, "cholesterol, by itself does not cause infertility, but added, for example, to an unbalanced diet, hypertension, and excess weight, it creates unfavorable circumstances for achieving a pregnancy," explains Gunes Karakus, a medical specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, in a statement. 

Read Also: Will coffee and decaffeinated affect your cholesterol levels? (Portuguese version)

In case you don't know, "cholesterol, an essential precursor of steroid hormones, plays a crucial role in human reproduction". This is the case of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, hormones essential for fertilization, originating in cells present in the ovaries and testicles. 

She also explains that "in women, high levels of LDL cholesterol can create hormonal imbalances that make it difficult to achieve both fertility and a full-term pregnancy". While "in men, it can cause a lower number of sperm and with worse quality, or even sperm that have abnormal morphology";  she adds. 

Read Also: Is it high cholesterol? Watch out for these signs on your feet and hands (Portuguese version)

It is, however, important to emphasize that "estrogen influences the metabolism of fats, which favors the production of so-called 'good' cholesterol (HDL), something very beneficial for fertility, since the ovaries contain many receptors for this type of fat".

Taking this into account, the specialist recommends that you keep the values above 35 mg/dl in men and 40 mg/dl in women for this type of cholesterol.

In addition to all this, the doctor draws attention to "the importance of having healthy habits to enjoy good cardiovascular health and hormonal balance, thus improving the chances of getting pregnant". See the list of recommendations. 

  • "Opt for a varied diet based on the Mediterranean model: rich in plant elements, legumes, whole grains, lean meats, and omega-3 fish. And, above all, avoid processed foods that contain large amounts of salt and sugar."
  • "Practice physical activity regularly and stay active in your daily life with walks." For example, "opt for the stairs instead of using the elevator."
  • "If you smoke, quit smoking, even if it's just occasionally, and don't drink alcohol regularly."
  • "If you tend to have high cholesterol levels, and have diabetes or hypertension, it is advisable to perform periodic tests to better control blood lipid levels."

Read Also: Doctor's advice to lower cholesterol in a short time (Portuguese version)

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