
  • 17 JUNHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 22º

Army on "standby" to support rural fire prevention in 2024

With "250 military personnel" and additional resources in complex emergencies, the aim is to protect and safeguard "people and property", reveals that branch of the armed forces.

Notícias ao Minuto

19:17 - 16/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Incêndios

The Portuguese Army is ready to support Civil Protection agents throughout the mainland as of Wednesday, committing specific capabilities to the Prevention and Support of Combating Rural Fires.

In a statement sent to Notícias ao Minuto, the branch of the armed forces notes that additional resources are on "standby" in complex emergencies and "250 soldiers", with the aim of protecting and safeguarding "people and property".

For the fire support strategy, the Army plans to commit, according to the note: 

- Command and Control capability, 24 hours a day, seven days a week;
- Six Intervention Modules in Aftermath Intervention and Active Post-Fire Surveillance (RVPI);
- Five Engineering Detachments, in support of combating and preventing rural fires;
- 10 Surveillance and detection patrols;
- Food Intervention Module;
- Accommodation Module;
- Vehicle Recovery Module;
- Personnel Transport Module;
- Cargo Transport Module;
- Fuel Supply Module;
- Psychological Support Module.

According to the branch of the armed forces, it is also planned for Squadron 991 (UAS OGASSA), seven soldiers, "in order to become operators of Unmanned Aerial Systems, in their mission of aerial surveillance and detection, within the scope of rural fires".

See the images in the gallery above.

Read Also: Fires. Device in Portalegre with more elements and the same air resources (Portuguese version)

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