
  • 17 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

"Simple things". Young man cries for having a full fridge and moves the 'net'

Young woman bought her first house and showed her full fridge. Something simple, but full of meaning, as she showed.

"Simple things". Young man cries for having a full fridge and moves the 'net'
Notícias ao Minuto

14:34 - 16/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Viral

A young woman has moved the Internet to tears after she was filmed crying over something that may seem simple to many, but for her represented the fulfillment of a dream: having a full refrigerator.

The video was shared by a young woman named Eileen, who has thousands of followers on social networks. It was with these same followers that Eileen decided to share her tears of joy in a very personal video.

"I have a full refrigerator," she says more than once, visibly moved, as she films the inside of the refrigerator. "We made it... girl... you got out of there. You have your own home now. I waited so many years for this. I am blessed. I am so happy," she adds.

In the description of the video, Eileen explained that it is not just about the abundance of food, but the fact that she grew up in a dysfunctional family.

"Leaving a dysfunctional family.... Years dreaming of this moment. Thank you to my friends for supporting me and especially to my younger sister, who is my main reason for being better every day," she wrote.

The video was shared just two days ago and has already been viewed by almost 19 million people. In addition, thousands of users have commented on the images and praised her courage for sharing what happened.

"Simple things, but of great significance", "What we all want when we come from a dysfunctional family", "Beautiful", "There is nothing more satisfying than having a full refrigerator and cupboard", "Why am I crying?", "I was very moved, congratulations", "I cried with you", can be read in some of the comments on the publication.

@eileenadones_ Leaving a dysfunctional family ️‍🩹… Years dreaming of this moment. Thank you to my friends for supporting me and especially to my younger sister, who is my main reason for being better every day. Thank you to you too… for encouraging me to be transparent about processes and supporting me with so much love ️‍🩹 #saludmentalyemocional #saludmental take a moment to breathe. - normal the kid

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