
  • 16 JUNHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 25º

Portugal welcomes reinforcement of Palestinian rights at the UN

Portugal's ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Ana Paula Zacarias, welcomed today the reinforcement of Palestinian rights in the multilateral organization, considering it to be "a positive step towards a free, democratic and independent State of Palestine".

Portugal welcomes reinforcement of Palestinian rights at the UN
Notícias ao Minuto

21:09 - 10/05/24 por Lusa

País Israel/Palestina

"Israel was admitted as a full member of the United Nations 75 years ago, but the same right was not granted to Palestine. That is why today we voted in favour and welcome the adoption of this resolution by the General Assembly", said Ana Paula Zacarias at the UN headquarters in New York.
"We also welcome the strengthening of the rights of Palestine, until the Security Council finally agrees to recommend its full membership", added the diplomat. Portugal is among the 143 UN member states that today voted in favour of a resolution that grants "additional rights and privileges" to Palestine and calls on the Security Council to reconsider favourably its request for full membership in the organization. "This resolution is, in our view, in line with the Charter of the United Nations and constitutes a positive step towards a free, democratic and independent State of Palestine, living side by side with Israel within internationally recognized borders, in peace and security", argued the permanent representative of Portugal, after the vote. In addition, the ambassador stressed, Portugal remains committed to "taking concrete and significant steps" towards peace and the implementation of a Two-State Solution, admitting to being involved in discussions with partners in this regard. Before the General Assembly, Ana Paula Zacarias also took the opportunity to speak about the scenario of destruction in Gaza, stressing that, despite numerous appeals against a ground military offensive in Rafah, Israel issued an evacuation order to displace more than one hundred thousand Palestinians. "The basic principles of International Humanitarian Law are incompatible with this evacuation order, which may amount to a forced transfer. Preventing further loss of life is an urgent priority", she stressed. Portugal once again defended the need for full respect for International Humanitarian Law and reiterated that "collective punishment of the civilian population is unacceptable". "Therefore, we reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate use of all humanitarian land crossings and entry points into the Strip, at their maximum capacity and for as long as necessary", defended the Portuguese representative. Condemning once again the attacks perpetrated by Hamas against Israel on 7 October, Portugal also reaffirmed its call for the "immediate and unconditional release of the hostages" held captive. "Portugal fully supports all credible diplomatic efforts for a sustainable peace process. This war must come to an end. The world asks for it", she concluded. The draft resolution approved today by the UN General Assembly was presented by the United Arab Emirates, representing the Group of Arab Countries, and obtained 143 votes in favour - including Portugal -, nine against and 25 abstentions from the 193 UN member states. "Today, in the General Assembly, Portugal voted in favour of the resolution recommending that Palestine become a full member of the UN. With 142 countries, we celebrate this step of support and hope for the Palestinian people. The only path to peace is the two-state solution", wrote the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the X platform after the vote. The United States, Israel, Argentina, Czech Republic, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea voted against. Among the abstaining countries were Ukraine, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Finland and Georgia. "The General Assembly determines that the State of Palestine is qualified for membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations and should therefore be admitted to membership in the United Nations", the resolution states. Among the new rights granted to the Palestinians in this resolution are their seat among the member states in alphabetical order, the submission of proposals individually or on behalf of a group before the General Assembly, the request for the right of reply, to make statements or request modifications to the agenda, among others. However, the elevation to the status of Member State of Palestine is not in the hands of the General Assembly, but of the Security Council, which on 18 April denied it due to the exclusive veto of the United States (against 12 votes in favour and two abstentions). Palestine applied for membership in the United Nations in 2012, but the request was rejected by the Admissions Committee. The case then went to the General Assembly, which gave Palestine (with the positive vote of 139 countries) the status of "non-member observer State", which it maintains to this day.
Also Read: Sánchez says that the Government will recognize the State of Palestine even without the right (Portuguese version)

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