
  • 16 JUNHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 25º

When I was little: "I was lucky to share a locker room with Quaresma"

Can you guess today's guest in the section 'Quando Era Pequenino', from Fama ao Minuto? A clue: he's an actor.

When I was little: "I was lucky to share a locker room with Quaresma"
Notícias ao Minuto

08:06 - 18/05/24 por Marina Gonçalves com Filipe Carmo

Fama Quando Era Pequenino

He began his television career in 'Floribella', having also immediately stood out in 'Rebelde Way'. National fiction continues to be part of his life and, later, he also joined the cast of 'Bem-vindos a Beirais'. 

Tiago Barroso is today the guest of the column 'Quando Era Pequenino', from Fama ao Minuto, where he shares several childhood memories, recalling the phase when he was a football player.  

Your favorite childhood dish (and who prepared it) and the food you didn't like and now you like? 

All the dishes made by my mother, especially cod with cream. I didn't like many dishes because I didn't even try them (laughs). Nowadays I love broad beans, for example.

Who was the person you admired the most?

It continues to be, my father.

What was the best vacation when you were little?

The giant summer vacations that were divided between Altura (Algarve) and Figueiró dos Vinhos (Center). I remember with great longing.

What day would you go back to as a child? And why?

The day I found out that I was going to be a football player for Sporting Clube de Portugal. It was a dream come true. I was lucky to share a dressing room with Quaresma, Hugo Viana among other stars.

Complete the sentence: If I went back to my childhood, I would never... stop following my dreams.

Notícias ao Minuto Tiago Barroso© Provided by Tiago Barroso / Luís Moreira  

Read Also: When I was little: "I went to Mr. Avelino's café with my grandfather" (Portuguese version)

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