
  • 17 JUNHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 22º

EA is looking to integrate generative AI into game production

CEO Andrew Wilson believes the technology could be implemented in more than 50% of the studio’s processes.

EA is looking to integrate generative AI into game production

Electronic Arts (EA) CEO Andrew Wilson told shareholders that the company’s studios and production teams stand to benefit from the integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI).

“We have done our analysis across all of our development processes, and right now, based on that initial assessment, we believe that over 50% of our development processes will be positively impacted by the advances in generative AI,” Wilson said, as reported by PC Gamer.

Despite this rosy outlook painted by EA’s chief executive, former ‘Dragon Age’ series producer David Gaider suggested on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) that the reality is quite different.

“They want you to believe the devs under them are super stoked to work generative AI into their processes, but I assure you what they took as excitement was really a veiled wail of despair,” Gaider said.

See Also: CTT leader says AI will create new job opportunities (Portuguese version)

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