
  • 16 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Brazil's Supreme Court overturns Lava Jato rulings against Odebrecht

Brazil's Supreme Court has overturned the convictions of a regional court that found the former president and heir to construction company Odebrecht guilty of corruption in the Lava Jato probe.

Brazil's Supreme Court overturns Lava Jato rulings against Odebrecht
Notícias ao Minuto

06:15 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Lava Jato

Judge José Antonio Dias Toffoli's decision, released on Tuesday, does not cover decisions stemming from the plea bargain deal accepted by Marcelo Odebrecht, who admitted guilt and testified against accomplices in exchange for a lighter sentence.
In addition to annulling the decisions of a federal court in Curitiba, southern Brazil, the magistrate also suspended all criminal proceedings opened against the businessman, who led Odebrecht between 2008 and 2015. Dias Toffoli concluded that some agents of Operation Car Wash "adopted arbitrary measures in conducting the proceedings against the businessman", acting with bias and outside their sphere of competence. The magistrate's decision came in response to a request from Marcelo Odebrecht's defense, which argued that the businessman's case was similar to that of other defendants in Operation Car Wash whose convictions were overturned due to irregularities in the investigations. In September, the same judge had deemed all evidence obtained through collaboration agreements with the Odebrecht construction company, which affected politicians and businessmen in Brazil and other countries, as invalid. This followed a request by the defense of current Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who spent 580 days in prison convicted of corruption and money laundering in a case that was later annulled, based in part on evidence presented by Odebrecht. Most of Marcelo Odebrecht's convictions overturned on Tuesday were handed down by then-judge Sergio Moro, who authored the sentences against Lula da Silva and who later served as Minister of Justice in Jair Bolsonaro's government (2019-2022).
Read Also: Four Brazilian judges removed for their role in Operation Car Wash (Portuguese version)

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