
  • 16 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Portugal is "the fifth most dissatisfied country in the world" with salaries

Portugal is the fifth most dissatisfied country in the world with wages, despite the fact that more than half of workers are pleased with their jobs, revealed a global survey by the Gallup International Association and Intercampus.

Portugal is "the fifth most dissatisfied country in the world" with salaries
Notícias ao Minuto

19:55 - 10/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Salários

"Portugal is the fifth country in the world most dissatisfied with social compensation", reads a statement from Intercampus.

Even so, 64% of the Portuguese surveyed claimed to be satisfied with their work.

Regarding salary in particular, 45% stated they were dissatisfied and 39% were satisfied.

At a global level, 65% of workers are satisfied with their job and 47% agree with their respective compensation.

According to this analysis, the people most satisfied with their work are in Europe, the USA, Western Asia and Latin America.

"The country in the world most dissatisfied with its employment situation is Kenya (59%), followed by Nigeria (36%)", it indicated.

The indicators that weigh most heavily on these responses are income and education.

The survey also concluded that artificial intelligence raises concerns (38%) worldwide.

More than 20% of respondents do not feel sufficiently informed to assess the effects of artificial intelligence on humanity.

"Young people are the most optimistic and those who see the most opportunities in artificial intelligence, as well as respondents with higher qualifications, while older and less educated generations are more concerned", it detailed.

46,138 people were interviewed in 45 countries to carry out this analysis.

In each country, the sample was 1,000 people.

The interviews took place between October and December 2023, in person, by telephone or 'online'.

Read Also: Tax workers want an answer on salary review (Portuguese version)

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