
  • 16 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Cristina Ferreira dethrones Cristiano Ronaldo: "Makes me happy"

The presenter became the "public figure with the greatest spontaneous notoriety in Portugal".

Cristina Ferreira dethrones Cristiano Ronaldo: "Makes me happy"
Notícias ao Minuto

15:53 - 22/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Fama Cristina Ferreira

Cristina Ferreira celebrates another achievement. The presenter managed to "dethrone" Ronaldo by being considered the "public figure with the highest spontaneous notoriety in Portugal". 

"TVI presenter leads in spontaneous references to names of personalities that the Portuguese recognize the most in a study by Marktest. 

Television presenter Cristina Ferreira dethroned footballer Cristiano Ronaldo in the ranking of public figures with the highest spontaneous notoriety among the Portuguese.

According to the 2024 edition of the study 'Public Figures and Digital Influencers', produced by Marktest, Cristina was the public figure or influencer with the highest spontaneous notoriety top of mind (that is, whose name was the first reference), with a record of 14.4% of responses.

Cristiano Ronaldo, who led this ranking last year, now appears in second place, with 10.1% of first references, completing the podium of spontaneous notoriety top of mind of this Marktest study with the name of Ana Garcia Martins (A Pipoca Mais Doce), with 4.4%", informs the presenter on her Instagram page highlighting a statement from Marktest.

"THANK YOU. The recognition makes me happy. I will continue to work", she adds. 

Read Also: Cristina to Cláudio: "I'm the one who makes lunch, and it needs to be said" (Portuguese version)

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