
  • 16 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

There is a little secret in the back doors that protects children

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There is a little secret in the back doors that protects children
Notícias ao Minuto

20:15 - 10/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Auto Segurança

Anyone who drives with children in the back knows that one of the biggest dangers is that they can open the doors while the car is moving, without any notion of the danger that this entails. 

Nowadays, cars already have a central locking system that allows all the doors to be locked, but there is another way to prevent the rear doors from being opened from inside the vehicle.

Near the lock of the rear door itself there is a mechanism or a slot that allows only the rear doors to be locked, precisely for the safety of the little ones.

Normally, this mechanism or slot is accompanied by the image of a child or a padlock. If you did not know about this way of locking the rear doors, check if your car has this mechanism on your next trip.

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