
  • 25 ABRIL 2024
MIN 13º MÁX 19º

Sobrevivente de erupção de vulcão partilha imagens das suas queimaduras

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Sobrevivente de erupção de vulcão partilha imagens das suas queimaduras
Notícias ao Minuto

08:57 - 22/07/20 por Notícias Ao Minuto

Mundo Nova Zelândia

Uma sobrevivente de uma erupção vulcânica,na Nova Zelândia,decidiu partilhar imagens das suas queimaduras.

Stephanie Browitt perdeu o pai e a  irmã, durante umas férias num cruzeiro, quando o vulcão White Island entrou em erupção. A jovem, de 23 anos, sobreviveu mas ficou com 70% do corpo queimado.

Estas foram três das 21 vítimas mortais do incidente que aconteceu em dezembro do ano passado.

Stephanie, de Melbourne, tem partilhado o seu processo de recuperação no Instagram, tendo recentemente publicado uma imagem das suas pernas, as últimas partes do seu corpo que foram sujeitas a transplante de pele. Um processo que a jovem descreve como "muito doloroso".

Ver esta publicação no Instagram

In February I was still having skin grafts/surgeries done in hospital. One of the last places to receive skin were my legs because I didn’t have any spots left for them to take from, so they had to wait for my donor spots to heal so they could take more again. My legs needed multiple surgeries before they were fully covered, so I’d be up and walking (sort of) and then I’d need another surgery and I’d be set back all over again. It was really upsetting. I had another surgery on my legs and they took some skin from my thighs and behind my knee cap. Let me tell you, the donor sites are the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. One of my favourite burns nurses told me after I woke up, “You’ll be walking in 2 days.” Me being in so much pain angrily said, “Nope.” She goes, “yeah you will,” and walks off. 2 days later and it’s time for the much dreaded Physio. I have 2 of them helping me lean on my side and slowly stand up using a walker. That takes about 15 minutes, I’m already in tears from the pain and just wanting to be done. Then they want me to take some steps... because skin was taken from behind my knee I couldn’t bend my leg. I had slowly taken a few steps and then the burns nurse comes into my room and says, “I told you you’d be walking!” My pain turns to frustration. “No. I don’t want to do this! I just want to disappear! I wish I could just hide somewhere ahh!” All the while I’ve bolted from my room out into halls to get away from everyone and she shouts, “Just remember you have to walk back again.” I slowly make my way back and try to hide my smile because of how I just surprised myself, still in pain. Once I’m back the nurse tells me, “I could just see the determination in your eyes as you got annoyed at me,” while holding back a cheeky laugh. Honestly when I think of this moment it makes me laugh so much, but it also taught me something. Determination doesn’t always look the same in different situations. And even if you don’t realise it, it’s always there inside of you. You can do anything as long as you don’t tell yourself the opposite. I didn’t want to do physio because it was so painful... but when they came around I never said no. 

Uma publicação partilhada por Stephanie Coral Browitt (@stephaniecoral96) a 19 de Jul, 2020 às 1:31 PDT

Stephanie mostra-se ansiosa para que estas intervenções acabem e possa, de seguida, dar início ao processo de voltar a andar. Algo que sabe que levará tempo.

Apesar de todo o sofrimento, a jovem garante que a morte do pai e da irmã são ainda mais dolorosas do que qualquer outra coisa.

Recorde-se que o acidente em causa aconteceu a 9 de dezembro quando cerca de 100 turistas se encontravam junto do vulcão, ou nas imediações, no momento da erupção. O White Island situa-se a nordeste da cidade de Tauranga na Ilha do Norte, uma das principais ilhas da Nova Zelândia

Os turistas faziam uma viagem pela ilha desabitada de Whakaari, onde se situa o vulcão White Island, quando a erupção abrupta ocorreu, lançando rochas e uma grande nuvem de cinzas.

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