
  • 11 MAIO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 23º

Críticas ao corpo levam influencer a querer desistir das redes sociais

Ariella Nyssa recebeu duros comentários por publicar fotografias nas quais aparece com celulite.

"Porque é que as redes sociais são assim?", questiona-se Ariella Nyssa. A pergunta ganhou eco na mente da digital influencer australiana que, aos 22 anos, se viu arrasada pelos milhares de seguidores que atentamente a acompanham no Instagram

A onda de indignação deu-se com a publicação de fotografias em que aparece com celulite - algo que muitos consideraram chocante. 

"Porque é que nos fazem sentir assim só porque não representamos o que consideram um corpo 'ideal'? Não consigo acreditar que  [todo o ódio] tenha ido tão longe e estou com raiva de mim por ter aceitado isso durante tantos anos", desabafou. 

"Nunca me chateei por causa de comentários raivosos, porque são comuns nas minhas fotografias. Mas esta semana concluí: Porque é que tenho de me habituar a comentários sobre o meu corpo? Estou chocada", acrescentou. 

Os comentários depreciativos abalaram de tal foram a digital influencer que esta afirmou que tirará uma "folga" do Instagram. "Preciso de me afastar, acabar com esta tensão e não pensar nisto", rematou. 

Ariella ganhou notoriedade nas plataformas online por partilhar várias fotografias nas quais exibe o corpo real sem recorrer a manipulação de imagem (como pode ver na nossa galeria).

Muitos dos seguidores apelam a que rapidamente retome a sua atividade, em prol da defesa dos ideais de beleza de mulheres reais. 

Let’s be real. I’ve had the worst f#ing day. Reading through the comments and dms you guys have sent me has honestly brought me to tears. WHY IS SOCIAL MEDIA LIKE THIS. Why are brands trying to make us feel like crap if we don’t represent their “ideal” interpretations of bodies. I actually cannot believe that this has gone on for so long and I’m so angry with myself for accepting this as the norm for years. I’ve had comments over the last few days stating “just because your not hot enough to be a Victoria secret angel you are having whinge” and “you have to have a law degree to be a lawyer, just like you have to have a modelling body to be a model”. Wait... WHAT!? Some of these comments are fucking ridiculous and shows exactly how much impact the industry and social media has on our minds. Who told you what a modelling body is? Who the fuck says what a modelling body is. Shouldn’t we all be represented ? Shouldn’t we all feel beautiful enough to wear clothing from ALL brands. How ridiculous. I didn’t realise how bad all of this was until this week. I didn’t realise the extent that the industry and social media have warped and manipulated our brains into thinking you have to look or be a certain way to LOVE the way you look and be represented in the media. Over 50% of young people have mental health issues and have had suicidal thoughts, and the percentage has gone up since social media has become more prevalent. BRANDS.. take a good hard look at your websites, your clothing, your models. Grow a pair and FIGHT THE INDUSTRY THATS MADE WOMEN FEEL LIKE THIS FOR SO LONG. BE the change. Do it for US. I don’t know how many times I have to say it but; why the f are you trying to put everyone in one or two boxes!! It makes no sense. EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL AND EVERYONE DESERVES A CHANCE  Fight the fucking fight with me  These are some of my photos that have received the most hate. And you know what’s ironic? They are probably my FAVOURITE out of them all 

Uma publicação partilhada por Ariella Nyssa (@ariellanyssa) a 15 de Ago, 2019 às 12:08 PDT

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