
  • 02 JUNHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 27º

OpenAI to launch tool to spot AI-generated images

System will identify images created by the DALL-E 3 model, which is from the same 'parent company' as ChatGPT.

OpenAI to launch tool to spot AI-generated images
Notícias ao Minuto

15:03 - 08/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Tech OpenAI

OpenAI is releasing a tool that can identify images created by its DALL-E 3 model, which turns text into images using artificial intelligence.

The announcement was made Tuesday and comes amid concerns about the potential for AI-generated content to be used for malicious purposes, according to Reuters.

The tool, OpenAI said, was about 98% effective at identifying DALL-E 3-generated images in its internal testing. It can also handle common modifications, such as cropping, compression and changes to the saturation.

The maker of ChatGPT also plans to add a digital watermark to digital content like photos and audio that will be hard to remove.

OpenAI has joined a group that includes Google, Microsoft and Adobe to discuss the ethical implications of creating digital content with AI.

Read Also: Nothing's first smartphone gets an update with ChatGPT (Portuguese version)

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