
  • 03 JUNHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 29º

Researchers in project to promote mental and physical health at work

Researchers from the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP) are part of a project funded with over 5.7 million euros that aims to promote mental and physical health in the workplace, it was announced today.

Researchers in project to promote mental and physical health at work
Notícias ao Minuto

10:12 - 01/05/24 por Lusa

País Porto

In a statement, the institute clarifies that the project, entitled PROSPERH and funded by the Horizon Europe program, aims to respond to the "rapid changes" currently being seen in workplaces.

The project will provide data on the impact of these changes on the physical and mental health of stakeholders, namely public authorities, regulators, employers, organizations, and social partners.

"These organizations will have access to a proven and evidence-based intervention to promote mental and physical well-being and health in the workplace, in order to support and protect workers," ISPUP emphasizes.

The results of the project will culminate in "concrete guidelines" for the adoption of occupational health and safety policies, mainly in the construction, health, telework, and mobile work sectors based on information and communication technologies.

PROSPERH, which started in January and will run for the next five years, brings together 18 partners, including universities, research centers, hospitals, and other entities.

Within the scope of the project, researchers from the Porto institute will carry out two missions: create a service portal to be used by employees, managers, human resources departments, and implement new interventions in Portuguese companies.

This work in national companies will be developed in collaboration with INNOVAGENCY, a Portuguese entity that is also part of the project.

Quoted in the statement, the project leader, Ella Arensman, emphasizes that "the work environment and the very nature of work are important influences on the health and well-being of workers."

"Let us commit to building a better future for all workers, prioritizing mental and physical health, well-being, and dialogue on mental and physical health at work," highlights the professor, who is director of the School of Public Health at University College Cork and a researcher at the National Suicide Research Foundation.

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