
  • 02 JUNHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 27º

South Africa says Israel-ordered Rafah evacuation 'unlawful'

South Africa today called the Israeli army's ordered evacuation of the Gaza Strip town of Rafah "illegal", saying it amounted to "forced displacement".

South Africa says Israel-ordered Rafah evacuation 'unlawful'
Notícias ao Minuto

19:49 - 06/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo África do Sul

In a statement released today in Pretoria, the South African government said it was “deeply disturbed” by the developments in Gaza, adding that it was “appalled by the announcement by the Israeli military that Rafah should be evacuated immediately as it will operate in the area with ‘great force’.”

“This intended action amounts to the forcible displacement of Palestinians in Gaza, which is unlawful under international law and cannot be justified on any military imperative,” South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation said.

“The imminent military offensive on Rafah will destroy the last refuge of survivors in Gaza,” it added.

According to the South African government, the city of Rafah has become “a temporary shelter for Palestinians who were forced to relocate there, with already limited access to food, medical care and other services, after months of Israeli bombardment of their homes across the Gaza Strip”.

On 26 January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an order on the request for provisional measures filed by South Africa, determining that Israel’s actions in Gaza “plausibly amount to genocide”, according to the Pretoria authorities.

“These provisional measures are directly binding on Israel, which is obliged, in terms of the order of the court and the Genocide Convention itself, to bring to an end all of its acts that plausibly amount to genocide,” the South African government said.

“In response to the deteriorating situation in Gaza, including specifically in Rafah, the ICJ issued further provisional measures on 28 March 2024, to prevent Israel from causing irreparable prejudice to the rights invoked by South Africa under the 1948 Genocide Convention in respect of the ongoing siege of Gaza,” it added.

The statement said “the continued unlawful military action in Gaza, and the announcement of its intended action in Rafah, are indications that the Israeli government is not only in defiance of the order of the court, but also intends to escalate its genocidal actions in Gaza”.

In Pretoria’s view, the international community “cannot turn a blind eye to the grave violations of international law and the Charter of the United Nations by the State of Israel”.

South Africa reiterated that there must be an immediate ceasefire and that negotiations to that end should resume.

“Hamas must release all hostages. Israel must release all political prisoners and full, safe and unhindered humanitarian access must be provided urgently to allow aid to reach the people of Gaza,” it added.

Read Also: South Africa? “Five presidents in 30 years of democracy is a record” (Portuguese version)

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