
  • 03 JUNHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 29º

Housing? More properties at controlled prices (and end of AL tax)

The Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, presented the measures that constitute the Government's new strategy for housing.

Housing? More properties at controlled prices (and end of AL tax)
Notícias ao Minuto

18:47 - 10/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Economia Habitação

The Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, presented this Friday the program 'Construir Portugal: Nova Estratégia para a Habitação' - a set of measures that aim to mitigate the crisis in the market. 

Pinto Luz began his speech by stating that the problems of the sector "have displaced society" in recent years and that the data shows why young people have been leaving the country. In addition to having increased "social differences", the housing crisis has also made it difficult for young people to become independent. 

The Government considered that one of the first measures should be to encourage supply. Therefore, the Executive will make public housing available for housing (build to rent) at an affordable cost, will start public-private partnership measures, but will also attend to Local Accommodation, with the revocation of the Extraordinary Contribution of AL (CEAL).

See the new measures announced by the Minister of Housing:

  • Municipalities will be able to use properties that are not used by the State

The municipalities will now be able to use properties that the central State is not able to use, announced today the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, promising details on this measure "in the next ten days".

  • Local authorities once again decide on new local accommodation licenses

The local authorities will once again be able to decide, with "autonomy", on new local accommodation licenses, said today the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, also confirming the revocation of the extraordinary tax on this sector of activity.

  • Government wants rustic land to be used for housing

The Government wants to change the law so that rustic land can be used for certain housing purposes, said today the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing.

  • Rent support will be changed to correct restrictions

The Government wants to safeguard the situation of people who have lost their rent support following a change in the value of the contract or sale of the property, said today the Minister of Housing, stating that these restrictions will be eliminated.

  • Housing measures for young people will have a dedicated Council of Ministers

The housing measures for young people will be approved in an extraordinary Council of Ministers dedicated to the theme, said today the Minister of Housing, stressing that this area cannot be the "poor relation" of the welfare state.

  • Supervision of Estamo shared with Finance

The Minister of Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, today classified as a "paradigm shift" the fact that his ministry will now share with Finance the supervision of Estamo, stressing the need to end compartmentalization and "fiefdoms" in the State.

  • European funds in housing? Government wants "term of responsibility"

The Government will institute a "term of responsibility", to be signed by the municipalities, to accelerate the execution of the European funds of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), said today the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing.

Leia Também: "Direito elementar". Governo apresenta a nova Estratégia para a Habitação (Portuguese version)

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