
  • 01 JUNHO 2024
MIN 22º MÁX 28º

Public Debt Accelerates to 270.9 Billion. Represents 100.5% of GDP

The 100% of GDP target was exceeded again.

Public Debt Accelerates to 270.9 Billion. Represents 100.5% of GDP
Notícias ao Minuto

11:00 - 02/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Economia BdP

In March 2024, the public debt, according to Maastricht, increased by 2.4 billion euros, to 270.9 billion euros, announced the Bank of Portugal (BdP) this Thursday.

"This increase reflected the increase of 1.7 billion euros in debt securities (Treasury notes and bonds) and the increase of 0.8 billion euros in loans, mainly short-term," can be read in the BdP statement.

In the first quarter of the year, the total public debt was 100.5% of the gross domestic product (GDP), which represents an increase of 1.4 percentage points compared to the end of the previous year.

"Public administration deposits totaled 13.8 billion euros, which corresponds to a reduction of 0.8 billion euros compared to February. Deducting these deposits, the public debt increased by 3.2 billion euros, to 257.1 billion euros," can be read in the BdP statement. 

[News updated at 11:07 am]

Read Also: Unemployment rate drops to 6.5% in March (Portuguese version)

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