
  • 06 MAIO 2024
MIN 13º MÁX 20º

Quando quilos a mais 'engordam' a felicidade

Jovem britânica tenta sensibilizar aqueles que possam ter vivido um drama como o seu. Foi anorética e está agora com alguns quilos a mais mas garante ser muito mais feliz.

Quando quilos a mais 'engordam' a felicidade
Notícias ao Minuto

18:53 - 01/03/17 por Goreti Pera

Mundo Anorexia

Megan Jayne Crabbe foi diagnosticada com anorexia nervosa aos 14 anos de idade. Atualmente, com 24, faz disso uma lição de vida.

Na fase mais crítica da doença, Megan chegou a pesar apenas 28 quilos. Ganhou peso. Agora orgulha-se do corpo que tem e que faz questão de mostrá-lo nas redes sociais.

Na sua página no Instagram, a jovem de Essex, no Reino Unido, ressalva os benefícios que o ganho de peso lhe trouxe, nomeadamente a nível mental. E não se deixa influenciar por aqueles que lhe lançam farpas.

Lately there are a lot of people who come here and tell me that I'm doing it wrong. That there's nothing bad about dieting or wanting to lose weight. That I shouldn't be celebrating the body types I do. That I've gone 'too far' or that I'm promoting the wrong things. But here's the reality: there are so many spaces you can go to and be congratulated on weight loss. There are millions of diet plans, endless articles on getting the 'perfect' body, and countless images of the body type our culture teaches us we should all strive for. Those are the spaces I grew up around, and boy did I learn the lesson well. I learned how to lose weight, I learned how to hate my body, I learned that chasing thinness was the only way to be beautiful, and the only way to be happy. It's taken me a LONG time to unlearn those lessons. And I plan on showing as many people as I can that they can unlearn them too. Because honestly? We all deserve so much better than how we've been taught to see ourselves. The body positive community is our safe space. It's the one corner of the internet you can go to where no matter how you look, you're good enough. It won't pressure you into believing that you can only be happy once you're smaller. It won't shame you for how many calories you eat or how many miles you can run. It won't tell you that your value lies in whatever number comes up on the scale. It's the space that I needed so badly all those years ago. So you can think that I'm doing this wrong all you like, I'll keep going. I'll keep creating a safe space where that girl on the left can't be hurt anymore. And for all of you out there who've never been told before that you're good enough already. You will ALWAYS be good enough here. P.S. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK LIKE THE PICTURE ON THE LEFT FOR YOUR STRUGGLES TO BE VALID! EATING DISORDERS COME IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES, THIS IS ONLY ONE REPRESENTATION. EDs ARE MENTAL ILLNESSES, NOT WEIGHTS. WHATEVER SIZE, YOU ARE WORTHY OF RECOGNITION AND SUPPORT. SENDING SO MUCH LOVE TO ALL MY ED WARRIORS

Uma publicação partilhada por Megan Jayne Crabbe (@bodyposipanda) a Jan 9, 2017 às 11:09 PST

Quando um utilizador a acusou de “arruinar” o seu corpo, Megan foi perentória na resposta: “Não, eu só parei de me torturar todos os dias por não encaixar numa imagem que nunca iria ter”.

“As barrigas podem crescer e deixar-nos experimentar momentos deliciosos. Não se é mais bonito, valioso ou adorável por se ser gordo ou magro”, acrescentou.

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