
  • 02 JUNHO 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 27º

Immigrants. Attacks are a consequence of antidemocratic groups, says CDU

The head of the CDU list to the European Parliament, João Oliveira, defended today that the aggressions against immigrants in Porto are "intolerable events" that result from the ideology of anti-democratic political forces.

Immigrants. Attacks are a consequence of antidemocratic groups, says CDU
Notícias ao Minuto

17:24 - 05/05/24 por Lusa

Política Imigrantes

According to Oliveira, the events of Friday morning in Porto, in which immigrants were attacked by a group of men, "are not unconnected to the discourse of hate, racism and xenophobia that has been propagated in Portuguese society by reactionary and anti-democratic political forces".

In a statement, the CDU's lead candidate for the European elections on 9 June argued that these reactionary political forces "take advantage of the circumstances in which immigrants are subject to exploitation and dehumanisation, with the lack of the most basic response in guaranteeing their rights, whether at work, in housing or in access to healthcare, to pressure the degradation of the living conditions of the Portuguese as well".

In the early hours of Friday, the PSP was alerted at around 01:00 to an attack in Campo 24 de Agosto, in Porto, against two immigrants by a group of four or five men who fled before the arrival of the officers, specified the police spokesperson, indicating that the two victims were treated at Hospital São João.

Around 10 minutes later, on Rua do Bonfim, 10 immigrants were attacked in the house where they were staying by a group of 10 men armed with sticks and, allegedly, with a firearm, which the PSP has still not been able to confirm, said the same source.

According to the spokesperson, at around 03:00, on Rua Fernandes Tomás, another immigrant was also attacked by other suspects, one of whom was using a firearm.

Following these attacks, six men were identified and one was arrested for possession of an illegal weapon, having been brought before the court and remanded in custody.

Given the suspicion of a hate crime, the case has been transferred to the Polícia Judiciária (PJ).

Read Also: "Serious Problem in Downtown Porto". Chega Reacts to Attacks on Immigrants (Portuguese version)

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