
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 24º

STJ Vice-President Advances Candidacy for Presidency

The vice-president of the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ), Nuno Gonçalves, is also a candidate for the presidency of this court in the elections of May 15, joining the candidacies of the judges José Sousa Lameira, Leonor Furtado and Graça Amaral.

STJ Vice-President Advances Candidacy for Presidency
Notícias ao Minuto

12:25 - 26/04/24 por Lusa

País Supremo Tribunal de Justiça

Contacted by Lusa, the STJ press office confirmed the candidacy of the judge, 67 years old, who has been the vice-president of this sovereign body since 2021, also accumulating the presidency of the litigation section and the Court of Conflicts.

According to the letter of introduction from Nuno Gonçalves to his fellow judges, to which Lusa had access today, the magistrate promises to be a "firm and coherent president in defending the statute" of the STJ, "being tireless in the uncompromising defence" of the class, of the rights and duties of judges and in the fight for improved working conditions.

"The presidency is responsible, in addition to the institutional representation, for fostering a serene, friendly, collaborative work environment, in which all of us, each and every one of us, should have the indispensable support for the demanding power-duty of judging", reads the document, in which he is willing to be a "close president, with an open door, dialoguing, ready to listen to concerns and suggestions or proposals".

Among the proposed measures, Nuno Gonçalves -- who comes from the Public Prosecutor's Office, having moved to the judiciary in 2019 -- wants to strengthen the advisory services to judges, expecting that two advisory judges will be assigned to each section of the court, and a reinforcement of technical assistance for the development of the processes.

Nuno Gonçalves -- who will not be able to complete the term because he will turn 70 before its end -- also defended that the judges should be encouraged to present "proposals to change legislative and regulatory diplomas, in the certainty that they will be presented to the Superior Council of the Judiciary [CSM] and to the political power".

The judge also wants to institute the electronic distribution of processes by videoconference, a regime of "regular consultation with the vice-presidents and the presidents of the section to identify blockages and find solutions" and the reinforcement of "bilateral and multilateral exchanges".

The candidacy of Nuno Gonçalves increases to four the number of judges in the race for the presidency, after the candidacies made official at the beginning of this week by Leonor Furtado and Graça Amaral and the announcement of the former vice-president of the CSM José Sousa Lameira at the beginning of this month.

On 15 May, the judges will elect the successor to Henrique Araújo, who is leaving the post of president of the STJ for having reached the age limit of 70 years.

The president of the STJ is also, by virtue of his functions, president of the CSM.

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