
  • 02 JUNHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 27º

Tesla shows off 50-minute autonomous drive

Full Self-Driving still requires the driver's full attention.

Tesla shows off 50-minute autonomous drive
Notícias ao Minuto

12:07 - 07/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Auto Tesla

Tesla shared on social media a video of one of its vehicles during a 50-minute trip in fully autonomous mode.

Thanks to Tesla's Full-Self Driving mode, a Canadian driver left a garage after a soccer game and drove hundreds of kilometers to his home, on a trip that took about 50 minutes.

It should be noted that this mode is not available in Portugal. In the USA, it can be purchased for a monthly fee of $99.

Check out the images in the video below.

Read Also: The dates to meet the Tesla Cybertruck in Portugal (Portuguese version)

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