
  • 03 JUNHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 29º

MotoGP approves new technical regulations. Motorcycles will become less powerful

The new technical regulations for MotoGP, which will come into effect in 2027, have already been approved, Dorna, the promoter of the Motorcycle World Championship, announced today.

MotoGP approves new technical regulations. Motorcycles will become less powerful
Notícias ao Minuto

13:48 - 06/05/24 por António Gonçalves Rodrigues

Auto MotoGP

The main changes included in the new regulations, which come into effect in 2027, involve a reduction in engine capacity (from the current 1,000cc to 850cc), in order to allow for a reduction in power and speed, for safety reasons.

In addition, the diameter of the cylinders (four per engine) will also be reduced.

Dorna has also decided to reduce the importance of aerodynamics in performance, reducing the size of the lateral surfaces of the bikes and banning some of the appendages currently in use.

The minimum weight will be 153 kilos and the maximum capacity of the tanks will be 11 liters for sprint races and 20 for main races.

Another change that will have the most impact is the abolition of 'holeshot' devices, i.e. the mechanism that allows the height of the bikes to be lowered at the start in order to prevent the front from lifting (the so-called 'caballito') at the start.

The concession scheme according to performance (which allows for the use of more engines and more testing for teams with worse results) will remain, albeit with slight modifications.

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