
  • 01 JUNHO 2024
MIN 22º MÁX 28º

The brands that sold the most electrics in Portugal

Stay with the numbers of the year so far.

The brands that sold the most electrics in Portugal
Notícias ao Minuto

09:17 - 02/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Auto Elétricos

Tesla continues to lead the electric car market in Portugal, with no major competition. In the first four months of the year, the North American brand delivered a total of 3,339 new units, ranking first in the ranking of brands that sell the most electric cars in the country.

The podium is completed by BMW and Volvo, with 1,273 and 867 new units sold, respectively.

Also noteworthy are the new brands with a presence in Portugal that are already in the top 10 of electric car sales. BYD and MG have already delivered 582 and 466 new units since the beginning of the year.

The 10 brands that sold the most electric cars in 2024

  1. Tesla - 3,339 new units registered
  2. BMW - 1,273 
  3. Volvo - 867
  4. Mercedes-Benz - 827
  5. Citroën - 722
  6. Peugeot - 648
  7. BYD - 582
  8. MG - 466
  9. Audi - 465
  10. Volkswagen - 399

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