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Mulher vence depressão pós-parto e exibe barriga em evento fitness

Shina Price quer ser um exemplo para outras mães.

Mulher vence depressão pós-parto e exibe barriga em evento fitness
Notícias ao Minuto

23:38 - 13/02/19 por Notícias Ao Minuto

Mundo Gravidez

Depois de ser mãe de gémeas, Shina Price, de 29 anos, entrou numa depressão profunda que a fez não querer sair de casa.

A mulher, que era uma frequentadora assídua do ginásio, teve que abdicar desta paixão após ser mãe. Nesta altura, a falta de energia e o cansaço levou-a mesmo a pensar que não estava a ser uma boa mãe e o facto de não aceitar o seu novo corpo, manteve-a prisioneira na sua própria casa.

"Estava cansada. Sentia-me a pior pessoa do mundo porque não conseguia lidar com o facto de ser mãe", lembra a mulher da Nova Zelândia, cujos dias ficavam marcados por momentos de choro.

Com o apoio da família, Shina acabou por ir ganhando confiança novamente em si e aos poucos ganhou força para sair de casa e fazer mais atividades com as filhas. Hoje, Shina está de volta ao ginásio, onde treina cinco vezes por semana.

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The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come️ . #warning #longessay . In less then 2 weeks I’ll be doing my first own fitness model competition for the fit mums category  photo on the left when I decided to join somewhere in June or July and right is last month  . So here’s my deal I’m 29 years old and I have 2 beautiful twin girls (they are cheeky asf like they’re mum) I wasn’t good when I was pregnant I ate badly every single day and stopped exercising because I got scared I would miscarry as I had some abnormal bleeding. I gained 30kgs+ and then I lost 33kgs from some hard fucking work. I also went through postpartum depression and cried every single day for the first two weeks as I was exhausted as I was in hospital for 3 weeks all up from being induced and recovering from a second degree tear, loss of blood needing a iron transfusion and back into surgery room as they later found blood clots + Harper had colic & reflux . I don’t have family in NZ so it’s just Chris and I raising the girls and I’m not well off but could be a lot worse off. I’ve dealt with depression before the postpartum & that was that I was abused when I was a child which I still struggle to talk about (which is my I’m so protective of my girls), I’ve also made a thousand of mistakes but every day I try to be the best human I can be  . I also work a full time job & study part time to become the best Pokémon master  haha joke but to come an awesome Personal Trainer  . I don’t have time to train for long amount of time, I’m still eating protein pancakes and having berries as my little dessert treats but I’m also trying my best and it’s definitely been a learning journey like everything else in life  . My mission is to show women how strong we actually are and how strong we can be mentally and physically (I’m not saying I’m look at me I’ve endure all of this, cause I still have my struggles from time to time) part of the reason I’m here is to inspire all you women to believe that you are worth more than you think, you are stronger than you think and to work hard & just to remember to stay positive, less judgey more supportive  . #fitmum #postpartum

A post shared by Shina (Sheena) Fierce (@shinafiercenz) on Oct 15, 2018 at 12:48am PDT

Depois do pesadelo que enfrentou, a mulher quer ser um exemplo para outras mães, e decidiu participar em concursos de fitness, onde tem de exibir o seu corpo em palco, e onde não se inibe em mostrar as marcas da gravidez.

"Em palco quero provar a mim mesma que consigo sair da minha zona de conforto e que consigo fazer qualquer coisa que queira", afirma.

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